Cousin’s memories

West Family Picnic, 2016.  Transfer Beach, Ladysmith, B.C.

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The West cousins have a long history of good times together, from gatherings at Boundary Bay, Beach Grove, Granthams, many Christmas gatherings in East Burnaby, w. 52nd St., Taylor Way and Southwest Marine to the Stanley Park and Boundary Bay picnics.  This page is dedicated to memories………



2015 Picnic photo (click to enlarge) “Growing old with your cousins” – this year the attendees were mostly the “senior” cousins.  (At the the original picnics in the 50s we were the “kids”.)  On the ferry on the way back, we had a unique forum, discussing things like teetotalism in the west families, Grampa’s spirituality – which included his earliest upbringing as a Strict Baptist, and cousin Richard remembers him, later in life, regularly reading the British Isrealism newsletter.