1.Frances/Scotty 2.Annie/Morley 3.Bill/Elsie 4.Ted/Laura 5.Wilcoxes 6.Ontario Mores 7.Scotland ancestors 8.Other research/charts 9.Homepage
- Ken More – Mansje Hagedoorn
- Nancy More – Mike Miller
- Larry More – Laura Schulz
- Dave More – Barbara Staubli
- Ron More – Sheila Staines
Ted grew up in Salmon Arm, graduating from high school there in 1927. He chose banking as his profession, unlike his siblings who all pursued teaching at some point in their lives. Ted lived in Vancouver during the 30s, working for the Bank of Commerce. Here, he met and married Laura in 1942. They lived in Mission for a short time before Ted was called up. Training in Vernon, then Kingston, he was posted to St. Johns, Newfoundland to serve in the Quartermaster’s Corps, where he was a Staff Sargeant. Laura had previously spent some time at UBC and used her education to become a secretary for the Department of Defence. After the war, they lived on Main St. in Vancouver, and subsequently on Collingwood and then West 31st St. Ken was born in 1945, Nancy in 1948 and Larry in 1950. In that year, they moved to Prince Rupert and a couple of years later, Ted was transferred to Williams Lake where Dave and Ron were born.
Laura was born in Pipestone, near Virden, Manitoba in 1913 to Oliver and Faithey Smith. Astoundingly this is where Ted’s Uncle Will (W.J. Wilcox) and his family had lived and built very prosperous store 20 years earlier, moving to Salmon Arm for health reasons in 1906. In1915, Laura’s family moved from Virden to Salmon Arm (via Banff), again for health reasons (Oliver’s arthritis). They lived only briefly there, moving to Summerland in 1917 after Oliver nearly died from the 1917 world flu epidemic. Since Ted only arrived in Salmon Arm, after his father died in 1917 when he was 7 years old (and Laura only 4), they would have to wait until the both lived in Vancouver to meet, sometime after 1930. When Ted tragically died in Williams Lake in 1956, Laura brought the family to Vancouver where she made a new and almost miraculous life for her 5 children, who grew and prospered at their house at 29th and Collingwood. Laura had learned to drive at age 13 (on a 1925 McLaughlin Buick). In 1928 her family went on a cross-canada camping trip in a 1928 Studebaker, which seems to have had a life-long impression on her, since she took her 5 children on camping trips in the family car every summer, during the late 50s and 60s. She was a legend in our extended family for what she achieved on her own. After the “nest” had emptied, she lived a long and happy life in a high-rise apartment in Metrotown, Burnaby.
Family Photos to 1960

(click on photos to enlarge)
Family Photos in Colour

Clippings & Documents
All the Mores together – Christmas, 1965 – Vancouver Heights

Jan, Larry, Jim, Ethel, Donna, Mom, Laura, Dave, Nancy, Ron, Ken, Frances, Dad, Art taking the photo.